Saturday, April 7, 2012

Attention all home educating families!

The director of Education Unlimited, Leo Gaumont, will share a message entitled "Re-Viewing The New Education Act," that is open to all.  This session is being held in Bonnyville, Wednesday, April 25 from 7:30 - 9 p.m. at the Bonnyville Community Church, 4414 - 52 Avenue (between the Sobeys and the new hotel being built).  This informative message will bring awareness, encouragement and empowerment to all home educating parents.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

HSLDA: Alberta Government Ignores Concerns of Homeschoolers

Alberta Government Ignores Concerns of Homeschoolers (Protest Monday, March 19)

The Alberta Government has introduced an amendment to Bill 2 which does not address the concerns of homeschoolers. This is a slap in the face. From the day this bill was introduced, homeschoolers have clearly expressed their concerns to the Conservative government. In response we have been ignored, misled, lied to, and mocked and now they have introduced an amendment which does virtually nothing to address our concerns. For further details and history of this Bill visit our blog and the AHEA website.

On Monday, March 19, we need every parent in Alberta who cares about their ability to pass their values on to their children to be on the steps of the Alberta Legislature. We will also be hosting information meetings in Edmonton and Calgary to share the problems with Bill 2 with as many people as can attend. Please plan to attend and tell as many parents as possible to participate, regardless of how their children are educated.

I am so concerned with these changes in Alberta that I will be personally flying to Edmonton to lead the Information Meeting and the protest on Monday.

This is a clear turning point for education in Alberta. We need thousands of concerned parents at this rally on Monday if we are to have any chance of turning things around.

Attached is a Call to Action with the details of the meetings and protest. Please pass this on to as many people and organizations as possible.

Going forward our message is simple, remove the Alberta Human Rights Act (AHRA) from Section 16. That is the minimum we can accept and the key issue. If you have not already done so, please call your MLA and clearly communicate to them that if they do not remove the AHRA from Section 16 that you will not only vote against them, but actively campaign for another candidate. That is the most powerful and motivating message you can send.

For those of you watching from the rest of Canada, you can support your brothers and sisters in Alberta in the following ways:
**Consider making a trip to the rally in Edmonton on Monday. This is short notice and a costly trip but would be a tremendous encouragement to Albertans. If you are able to attend, from another province, make sure to let us know you are coming.
**Call and express your concerns (we are now asking for people from across Canada to call on any day they are able. If they don’t ask where you are from, don’t tell them.
**Pray (remember, God holds the hearts of every person)

Friday, March 9, 2012

HSLDA - Time to Turn Up the Pressure in Alberta

In spite of the well articulated concerns of homeschooling families, the Alberta Government is continuing to drive toward the swift passage of their intrusive legislation. Bill 2 is the new Education Act that will mandate compliance with the Alberta Human Rights legislation for all students in Alberta, including homeschooled students in their own homes. The government’s spokesperson, Donna McColl, has stated, “Whatever the nature of schooling – homeschool, private school, Catholic school – we do not tolerate disrespect for differences.” Although these statements were later repudiated, they clearly show that even within the government, there are those who would use this legislation to limit the freedom of parents to pass their beliefs on to their children.

Click here and here for background on the case and a more complete description of the problems with Bill 2.

To date, we have asked that only Alberta families contact the Alberta government so that elected officials can hear from their own constituents. Even though thousands have voiced their concerns, the Alberta government is ignoring their calls for change. On Monday, approximately five hundred homeschoolers held a peaceful rally at the Alberta Legislature. Even though Minister of Education Thomas Lukaszuk was present at the rally, he later tweeted, “Attended a rally put on by some home schoolers who protest against human rights in education.” It seems clear that the Alberta Government is choosing to ignore our concerns.


If you live in Alberta, please keep calling. For those of you in the rest of Canada and the United States, NOW IS THE TIME TO SUPPORT YOUR FELLOW HOMESCHOOLERS IN ALBERTA.

For 1 day only, this Friday, March 9th, we need as many calls as possible from across North America, to show the depth of concern with this harmful Bill.

Please call, asking the government to support the following amendments to Bill 2 which will be introduced by the Wildrose Education Critic Rob Anderson. Mr. Anderson will move that Section 16 be removed and substituted with the following:

16 Education programs offered and instructional materials used in schools must not promote or foster doctrines of racial or ethnic superiority or persecution, religious intolerance or persecution, social change through violent action or disobedience of laws.

It is likely that the phone lines will be very busy. After you have called, please send a short email setting out your concerns and letting them know that you called so that they have a record of your concerns.

Please call the following offices:

Contact Information:
Hon. Thomas Lukaszuk, Education Minister
423 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB
Canada T5K 2B6
Phone: (780) 427-5010
Fax: (780) 427-5018

Premier Alison Redford
Office of the Premier
Room 307, Legislature Building
10800-97 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B7
Phone: 780-427-2711 (ask to be connected with the Premier’s Office)
E-mail: Use this form.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

AHEA eAlert: Rally at the Legislature

Rally at the Legislature and Bill 2 Amendment to be Proposed by the Wildrose Party

AHEA has organized a peaceful, prayerful rally to take place at the legislature on Monday, March from 12:30 – 1:30 pm. The legislature will resume sitting at 1:30 on Monday, March 5 and congregating as a collective outside the legislature building will demonstrate home educator’s support for changing Bill 2.

When: Monday, March 5, 12:30-1:30

Where: Outside main legislature doors

Why: The Premier's office has indicated that they are evaluating whether people care about the changes AHEA is proposing on behalf of home educators. This rally will demonstrate that home educators support making changes to s.16 of Bill 2 Education Act.

Premier Redford is tracking how many people contact Minister Lukaszuk or herself regarding Bill 2 and is being updated twice a day. It is important to show support by continuing to respectfully call the Minister of Education (780) 427-5010 and the Premier’s office (780) 427-2251 and by peacefully gathering at the legislature.

Bill 2 Amendments to be proposed by the Wildrose Party

The Wildrose Party has drafted two amendments to Bill 2 Education Act and will be proposing them in the Alberta Legislature after 2nd reading of Bill 2. The following are the proposed amendments:

Mr. Anderson to move that Bill 2, Education Act, be amended in the 8th recital of the Preamble, by striking out “parents have the right and the responsibility to make informed decisions respecting the education of their children” and substituting “parents have the paramount right and responsibility to make decisions respecting the education of their children”

Mr. Anderson to move that Bill 2, Education Act, be amended by striking out section 16 and substituting the following:


16 Education programs offered and instructional materials used in schools must not promote or foster doctrines of racial or ethnic superiority or persecution, religious intolerance or persecution, social change through violent action or disobedience of laws.

(this clause is virtually identical to the second half of the previous section as it was written in the old Schools Act)

These amendments are supported by AHEA and HSLDA and are recommended as changes to Bill 2 Education Act.

Background Information:

The Minister of Education tabled Bill 2 Education Act to replace the current School Act. Comprehensive reviews of Acts typically occur only once every 10-20 years, so should this Act pass as law, it will likely be in place for more than a decade.

Bill 2 contains a Diversity and Respect clause, section 16, which is especially problematic to home educators. In an interview conducted by Lifesite with Ms. McColl, the Department of Education spokesperson, Ms. McColl provided frank statements regarding how s.16 is interpreted by the department of education. The implications on home educators are significant. The following are links for informative articles on the issue.

AHEA has been working closely with Home School Legal Defence Association to discern the potential implications of Bill 2 Education Act. While AHEA appreciates Education Minister Lukaszuk’s comments that it is not the intent of their government to have a negative impact on home education, the current wording of the legislation leaves home educating families very vulnerable. Clarification on Bill 2 may be found on the HSLDA website.

Second reading of Bill 2 will likely happen early next week and the Wildrose proposed amendments will be made at a later date, possibly on the 8th or 14th of March.

Remain vigilant in our prayer and lobby efforts.