In spite of the well articulated concerns of homeschooling families, the Alberta Government is continuing to drive toward the swift passage of their intrusive legislation. Bill 2 is the new Education Act that will mandate compliance with the Alberta Human Rights legislation for all students in Alberta, including homeschooled students in their own homes. The government’s spokesperson, Donna McColl, has stated, “Whatever the nature of schooling – homeschool, private school, Catholic school – we do not tolerate disrespect for differences.” Although these statements were later repudiated, they clearly show that even within the government, there are those who would use this legislation to limit the freedom of parents to pass their beliefs on to their children.
Click here and here for background on the case and a more complete description of the problems with Bill 2.
To date, we have asked that only Alberta families contact the Alberta government so that elected officials can hear from their own constituents. Even though thousands have voiced their concerns, the Alberta government is ignoring their calls for change. On Monday, approximately five hundred homeschoolers held a peaceful rally at the Alberta Legislature. Even though Minister of Education Thomas Lukaszuk was present at the rally, he later tweeted, “Attended a rally put on by some home schoolers who protest against human rights in education.” It seems clear that the Alberta Government is choosing to ignore our concerns.
If you live in Alberta, please keep calling. For those of you in the rest of Canada and the United States, NOW IS THE TIME TO SUPPORT YOUR FELLOW HOMESCHOOLERS IN ALBERTA.
For 1 day only, this Friday, March 9th, we need as many calls as possible from across North America, to show the depth of concern with this harmful Bill.
Please call, asking the government to support the following amendments to Bill 2 which will be introduced by the Wildrose Education Critic Rob Anderson. Mr. Anderson will move that Section 16 be removed and substituted with the following:
16 Education programs offered and instructional materials used in schools must not promote or foster doctrines of racial or ethnic superiority or persecution, religious intolerance or persecution, social change through violent action or disobedience of laws.
It is likely that the phone lines will be very busy. After you have called, please send a short email setting out your concerns and letting them know that you called so that they have a record of your concerns.
Please call the following offices:
Contact Information:
Hon. Thomas Lukaszuk, Education Minister
423 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB
Canada T5K 2B6
Phone: (780) 427-5010
Fax: (780) 427-5018
Premier Alison Redford
Office of the Premier
Room 307, Legislature Building
10800-97 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B7
Phone: 780-427-2711 (ask to be connected with the Premier’s Office)
E-mail: Use this form.