Alberta Government Ignores Concerns of Homeschoolers (Protest Monday, March 19)
The Alberta Government has introduced an amendment to Bill 2 which does not address the concerns of homeschoolers. This is a slap in the face. From the day this bill was introduced, homeschoolers have clearly expressed their concerns to the Conservative government. In response we have been ignored, misled, lied to, and mocked and now they have introduced an amendment which does virtually nothing to address our concerns. For further details and history of this Bill visit our blog and the AHEA website.
On Monday, March 19, we need every parent in Alberta who cares about their ability to pass their values on to their children to be on the steps of the Alberta Legislature. We will also be hosting information meetings in Edmonton and Calgary to share the problems with Bill 2 with as many people as can attend. Please plan to attend and tell as many parents as possible to participate, regardless of how their children are educated.
I am so concerned with these changes in Alberta that I will be personally flying to Edmonton to lead the Information Meeting and the protest on Monday.
This is a clear turning point for education in Alberta. We need thousands of concerned parents at this rally on Monday if we are to have any chance of turning things around.
Attached is a Call to Action with the details of the meetings and protest. Please pass this on to as many people and organizations as possible.
Going forward our message is simple, remove the Alberta Human Rights Act (AHRA) from Section 16. That is the minimum we can accept and the key issue. If you have not already done so, please call your MLA and clearly communicate to them that if they do not remove the AHRA from Section 16 that you will not only vote against them, but actively campaign for another candidate. That is the most powerful and motivating message you can send.
For those of you watching from the rest of Canada, you can support your brothers and sisters in Alberta in the following ways:
**Consider making a trip to the rally in Edmonton on Monday. This is short notice and a costly trip but would be a tremendous encouragement to Albertans. If you are able to attend, from another province, make sure to let us know you are coming.
**Call and express your concerns (we are now asking for people from across Canada to call on any day they are able. If they don’t ask where you are from, don’t tell them.
**Pray (remember, God holds the hearts of every person)