Supporting and encouraging homeschooling families in the Lakeland region of Northeastern Alberta.
Friday, April 26, 2013
How to Recognize a Successful Homeschool Math Program
After teaching co-op math classes for several years, I’ve become known as the local math maven. Upon meeting one of my children, fellow homeschoolers often say, “Oh, you’re Denise’s son/daughter? You must be really good at math.”
The kids do their best to smile politely — and not to roll their eyes until the other person has turned away.
I hear similar comments after teaching a math workshop: “Wow, your kids must love math!” But my children are individuals, each with his or her own interests. A couple of them enjoy an occasional geometry or logic puzzle, but they never voluntarily sit down to slog through a math workbook page.
In fact, one daughter expressed the depth of her youthful perfectionist angst by scribbling all over the cover of her Miquon math workbook:
“I hate math! Hate, hate, hate-hate-HATE MATH!!!”
Translation: “If I can’t do it flawlessly the first time, then I don’t want to do it at all.”
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