Saturday, April 6, 2013

“Remember” - A Must-Watch Film produced by Alberta Homeschooling Family

Recently, more than one homeschool family has taken up storytelling through film, in order to have a godly influence on our culture. One powerful example is the film Remember, made by the Lammiman family in Airdrie. Remember warns of increasing government encroachment into the God given jurisdictions of the family.

Lee Duigon of The Chalcedon Foundation wrote, "Remember outclasses many a Hollywood production... The story is compelling; the acting is professional in quality, even without a single big name in the cast; the camera-work is superb; the music is just right - and, best of all, Remember is artistically daring and full of surprises.

"... Fulfilling a dream as old as Plato, the state has finally abolished the family. Children are given up at birth and raised by the government. Their parents' awareness that they've even had these children is wiped out by (a drug called) MemRelief. But Remember has a Christian message, so the story has much more to offer than just a visit to a dreary future.”  (

If you want a thought provoking, discussion starting Christian film to share with your family, this film is it. Remember was a feature finalist at San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival, was named Best International Narrative Feature at the San Diego Christian Film Festival and won a Platinum Pixie Award from the American Pixel Academy for it’s visual effects. You can view a trailer and order at Enter the code “homeschooler” at checkout for limited time free shipping. It is also available from Vision Forum at

Submitted by Greg Lammiman,
Check out our award winning feature film at